Skin Disorder

Accurately diagnosing skin disorder is a challenging task due to the commonality of symptoms across various conditions. For instance, itching is a shared symptom in leprosy, as well as in cases resulting from the consumption of excessive sour-tasting foods and approximately 38 other disorders. Given the variation in treatments for different skin disorders, precise diagnosis becomes paramount. For effective treatment, Ayurveda employs various diagnostic tools such as Nadi Parikshan, Trividha, Ashtavidha, and Dhashvidh Parikshan.
Breaking down the broad spectrum of skin disorders in Ayurveda, they are categorized into three basic types:
1. Vaataj Skin Disorder:
These are associated with Vaat dosha and manifest with dryness, wrinkles, painful patches, irregular patches, and dry itching. The symptoms tend to worsen during the end of the day and night, as well as in the rainy season.
2. Pittaj Raktaj Skin Disorder:
Related to Pitta dosha and blood, these disorders exhibit hotness in the affected region, rapidly increasing patches, burning sensations, warm secretions, and bluster formation. Symptoms intensify during the middle of the day and night, as well as in summer.
3. Kaphaj Skin Disorder:
Connected with Kapha dosha, these disorders are characterized by regular or chronic patches, slow or stable patch development, a feeling of heaviness, excessive secretions, excessive itching, and coldness in the area. Discoloration is usually whitish, and the skin may be soft and oily.
In some instances, mixed symptoms may arise when two or more doshas are involved.
For an accurate diagnosis, a comprehensive examination of both the patient and the disease is crucial. Treatment approaches vary based on the diagnosis and may involve Ayurvedic therapies such as Panchkarma, Raktamokshan, Snehan, Swedan, Upnaah, Pottali Swed, Dhupan, Udvartan, among others.
At Arogya Mandir – Shri Siddhanath Ayurvedic Hospital, Miraj, patients undergo thorough Ayurvedic examinations, including noninvasive diagnostic tools, to determine the exact pathogenesis of the disease. The uniqueness of their therapies lies in a clean, silent therapy room, trained therapists, a positive environment, the selection of appropriate massage oil, and the use of herbal medicines tailored to the patient’s Prakruti and disease condition.
Patients receive free Prakruti and Dhatu Sarata examinations before therapy commencement, ensuring an authentic procedure during each therapy session. The hospital provides special rooms with all facilities for indoor patients, emphasizing a holistic and personalized approach to Ayurvedic healthcare.